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Home / In the News / Greenpointers - Sparrow Funeral Home Opens In Greenpoint

Greenpointers - Sparrow Funeral Home Opens In Greenpoint

Sparrow (161 Driggs Ave.), a new funeral home in Greenpoint, opens today, replacing Stobierski Funeral Home near McGolrick Park. Passersby may notice final details being added to the exterior of the building, but the interior is completely revamped and ready to fully function as a funeral home.

Sparrow bills itself as “a contemporary funeral home.” Erica Hill, the owner of Sparrow, has a specific vision for the future of funeral homes, or at the very least her contemporary funeral home. But, she hopes others follow her lead.

Erica used to work in video production for everything from documentaries to fashion. She is a storyteller by trade and wants to “help families tell the story of a loved one.” After experiencing funerals that did not represent the dead effectively, Erica decided to put her storytelling skills to use in a different way.

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A greener funeral

While many of us have been recycling for years, the funeral industry has been dragging its feet. Thanks to overwhelming demand and a global reckoning with climate change, funeral homes and their providers are finally catching on and starting to offer products and services in different shades of green.

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The Sparrow Ethos

With an emphasis on meaningful remembrance and true celebration, at Sparrow our goal is to help you plan and execute a significant experience at the end of life and after death, for yourself or your loved one, while still taking care of the traditional services of a funeral home from death certificates to burial.