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Opening to Grief


All of us, at some time, experience heartbreaking loss. Alone, shocked, and confused, we are no longer tethered to the life we had, and do not yet recognize a new landscape for our days. Opening to Grief: Finding Your Way From Loss to Peace is a guide to this tender time.

With the demeanor and tone of a loving friend, the book rebuts a prevailing idea that grief moves in stages, and instead offers intimacy and an invitation to turn toward and be with all the emotions and sensations that arise, however long grieving takes and in whatever ways are most healing for you. If you open to any page, you’ll enter the book’s uplifting flow and know that you’re not alone on your journey to wholeness.

Claire B. Willis is also the author of Lasting Words: A Guide to Finding Meaning Toward the Close of Life (Brattleboro, VT. Green Writers Press, 2014).


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